Why influential leaders inspire questions instead of answering them
You see it in kung fu movies, science fiction sagas and old-fashioned hero quests. The young...
Trapped by negativity? Here’s a way out.
There’s a lot of negativity in the world today, and, sometimes, it feels like there’s no escape...
How “why” creates greater opportunities for success
Someone said, the first thing you need to do, if you want to succeed … is fail. While it doesn’t...
Answer this question to transform the way you lead
When you are considering a project or setting a goal, doesn’t matter what it is, which question is...
The best way to be right
You’re right, you know you are. The facts as you understand them fully support your position. Your...
How well do you listen? Rate yourself!
Ever run up against someone who seems to think they have it all figured out? No matter what you...
How our truth limits our value
Have you ever wondered why some folks just don’t seem to understand something that’s “so obvious”...
Curiosity and other ways to conquer fear
At its core, curiosity is about learning truth rather than assuming truth, seeking new information rather than letting the past define us…
How influential leaders earn trust
Ask most people how to earn trust and expect to hear something along the lines of “keep your...
When we invest in personal growth, we recognize opportunities all around us.