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Pushing Through Most People’s #1 Fear
Pushing Through Most People’s #1 Fear How to respond when that voice inside whispers we’re not good enough Recently, a friend interviewed a successful marketing company CEO named Tomo about how he got his start as a writer and marketer. During the...
Will you courageously stand in the unknown?
Thinking partners make a huge difference in our lives. Even when we don’t immediately need them, there’s comfort in knowing we have people we trust to go to with our questions and concerns. But what about those times when there is no trusted advisor around...
Creating the Gap
Creating the Gap It is impossible to be who we want to be while holding tightly onto who we are. We have all heard people say, “If you can imagine it, you can become it!” And that’s true. It’s also true, that if we don’t build the structure to...
How transformational is your vision? Take the quiz!
If we want to accomplish things we have never done, to go from where we are to where we want to be, we must expand our beliefs about our abilities, our focus, and our efforts. We must transform our vision and shift our thinking in a way that makes it all...
Is Your Team A Safe Place to Succeed?
Recently, I re-watched a TED Talk by Simon Sinek titled, “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe.” In it, Sinek discusses different approaches to leadership, as well as the consequences, for the team and the leader, of these approaches. Sinek opens the talk...
Hey Trish? What if I’m a better leader than my boss?
Recently, someone contacted me asking this question: What if I’m a better leader than my boss? Will their limitations hold me back? And, if so, what can I do about it? These are questions – often unspoken – that many people ask on a regular basis. While...

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