Hey Trish, what’s the point of a personal growth plan?
Today, I’m reaching into my mailbag and replying to a question I received recently. Ed...
Starting a new career later in life? Here’s how you thrive!
Career change is often one of the scariest prospects for any worker, and that stress...
How “yesterday thinking” limits our leadership
Recently, I was having a conversation with a colleague, and I could feel – very nearly...
3 lessons on visionary leadership from Crazy Horse
“Vision” is one of those business words that used to have a lot more meaning than it...
How to earn trust when you’re new on the job
In our last blog, we continued the story of Chandra, a young professional woman who...
Hey Trish? What if I’m a better leader than my boss?
Recently, someone contacted me asking this question: What if I’m a better leader than...
Leading from the inside: A case study
Leadership is not about a title. Leadership is the result of our daily choices. It’s when we...
The Dangers of Success?
The Dangers of Success? How to avoid pitfalls of success that get us stuck and build for long-term...
Want to be significant? Here’s a good place to start.
Gather any group of successful leaders together and ask them to define significance. You may well...
When we invest in personal growth, we recognize opportunities all around us.