How influential leaders earn trust

How influential leaders earn trust

Ask most people how to earn trust and expect to hear something along the lines of “keep your word…” or “live up to expectations…” While these are important aspects of building trust in any relationship, these are not the only ways to earn and maintain trust. Consider,...
What game are you playing?

What game are you playing?

Have you ever considered how the language you use affects your ability to be an influential leader? When you listen to how some leaders speak, it sounds like their team is competing for a Super Bowl ring. “Crush the competition…” “Let’s be #1…” “Tackle that...
Autocrat or Influencer? Take the Quiz!

Autocrat or Influencer? Take the Quiz!

Most leaders don’t like to think of themselves as autocrats. Domineering people who lead by denigrating others and expect total obedience. However, in many cases, if you speak to employees or even other leaders in an organization, they have little trouble pointing out...