“Be a river, not a reservoir.”

Streaming Leaders is a community of people who want to make a difference, who are committed to leading from where they are, investing their talent, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, and ingenuity in order to make a difference in our communities by facilitating values-based leadership development to inspire and facilitate transformational growth.

Streaming Leaders Community members are interested in one or more of the eight streams of influence: Arts, Business, Education, Faith & Family, Government, Healthcare, Media, and Sports. We come together to inspire and educate, sharing real stories of hope and encouragement through virtual, values-based round tables.




Faith & Family





Connect and collaborate with other Streaming Leaders

You are invited to join a complimentary weekly Virtual Leadership Round Table. Our Streaming Leaders Community is sponsoring this weekly values-based leadership round table to initiate connection, facilitate collaboration, and energize people who add value to people as they work to guide and strengthen their community in the new year and beyond.

Trish Buzzone, Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member and Founding Partner, will host this weekly collaborative leadership conversation along with dynamic leaders, like you, representing the eight streams of influence. 

We know that when we choose to connect, share ideas, and add value to people right where we are, other leaders in our sphere of influence are drawn to that energy, motivated by it, and the entire community is made better because of it.

Everything rises and falls on leadership, and our local communities need energized, motivated, optimistic leaders now more than ever.

To become part of this values-based virtual leadership round table, and to learn how you can build values-based leadership round tables in your local community, fill out the form below. We will email you the date and time of the first meeting, as well as the link to join.

Fill out the form to secure your spot

  • While most of us are involved in multiple streams of influence, we tend to invest more energy in some and less in others. Please click the drop down and select the stream in which you are most interested. Thanks!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Stay Connected. Stay Informed. Stay Inspired.

Encouragement and Inspiration for Streaming Leaders

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From time to time, all of us get stuck in stinkin’ thinkin’ that gets in the way of who we want to be. Sometimes, it’s in the moment. Other times, those negative thoughts linger, causing us to feel like there’s no way out. When that happens to me, I...

Creating the Impossible

Creating the Impossible

Imagine with me for a moment. Let’s climb into a time machine and travel exactly one year from now. In that future, looking back on today, what would you love to have created? What does your life look like? What does it feel like? Focus in on this vision...

Creative leaders making a difference

Creative leaders making a difference

Creative leaders making a difference How the cast of Jersey Boys, the PorterBellas, the Babineauxs, LeVar Burton, Tony Coppola, and AT&T are creating ways to spread joy.    The news that some cities and states across the country are “opening up”...

These leaders are making a difference

These leaders are making a difference

These leaders are making a difference How John Krasinski, Mat Shaw, Mark Baillie, Karsten Tüchsen, Todd Jones, and Carol Aberizk are finding ways to meet challenges, spread joy, and inspire hope   In these times, we have a lot to distract us and bring...